- * Benchmark: measures the low-level performance (read/write)
- * File Benchmark: measures the file performance (read/write)
- * Info: shows detailed information
- * Health: checks the health status by using SMART
- * Error Scan: scans the surface for errors
- * Erase: securely erases all data from the disk
- * Disk Monitor: monitors disk access
- * Folder View: shows disk space usage for each folder
- * AAM: reduces noise or increases seek perform
- * New file tests which measure:
- o sequential read/write speed
- o random 4 KB read/write speed
- o multiple random 4 KB read/write speed
- * New monitor functions can show:
- o detailed performance statistics of different block sizes
- o positions where I/O activity took place
- o which programs and processes generate I/O activity
- * Improved support for +2TB disks
- * Added option to scan A: and B: drives
- * Added option to show drive serial number on main screen
- * Fixed issue with Fahrenheit temperature display
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